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Zorel Makine established its first production facility in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey. In line with the demands of the producers in the sector, it started to work on the first domestic egg collection and sorting machines.

The first Egg Sorting – Collection Machine was put into operation in 2000 in order to meet the domestic product needs of the sector and to provide more affordable prices by protecting the producers from the compelling effects of imported products. Zorel Makine, which is currently operating in Izmir, is the leading company in Turkey and is also an exporter to many countries of the world.

Our company continues to work to provide various facilities and solutions to egg producers and suppliers.

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We are developing and progressing to provide the best service to our customers!

Misyon ve Vizyon

Zorel Makine aims to protect natural life and leave a livable environment to future generations with the production technologies it uses. Zorel Makine, which acts sensitively against environmental pollution both during and after the production process, is one of the leading companies in the sector in this regard.

It has been our priority to produce machinery and services for our customers and to respond to expectations with quality and stability. In line with this priority, we take care of our products and stand by our customers after sales.

We strive to be the best in product options and to maintain our reputation. Taking strength from our past, we are proud to be a leader in the field we operate in, on the one hand by protecting moral values and on the other hand by relying on science.

In order to realise the necessary investments to ensure the continuity of our production and to contribute to the economic and social development of the society, we prioritise the rational use of our resources and not to make concessions to extravagance.

We accept being reliable in all our relations, acting with integrity, goodwill and understanding, complying with the laws and ethical rules as an obligation that forms the basis of business life.

In doing so, we aim to fulfil our economic, social and environmental responsibilities towards today’s and future generations.

Zorel Makine, which manufactures with quality values accepted in different country standards of the world, has a structure that has completed the necessary automation works at the stage of determining and classifying the quality in production.


In line with the constantly changing and developing living conditions, our product network is constantly updated and special sensitivity is shown to this issue. It is among our most important principles to offer whatever is needed to those who need it.


You can get detailed information about our products by contacting us at any time. Our expert engineers and technical team will be pleased to provide you with further information.


Our products are imported from companies that are specialised in their fields and have become sectoral leaders in the world in order to ensure the satisfaction of our customers with the product they have purchased.


Our company, which accepts commercial ethics as a basic principle, primarily contributes to seamless production and provides services by considering all kinds of fine details in order to ensure that the people and companies using our products are satisfied.

Quality and Product Standards

Zorel Makine adopts the principle of using the developing technology and know-how in every field of production and carries out process follow-up and quality conformity controls at every stage of production.


Yes, we do. For all of our technical and sales services, you can easily make a request by contacting our factory. You can reach us either by calling +90 232 876 1001 or by sending an e-mail to

It is very easy to obtain our spare parts. Products that are in stock can be delivered in maximum 5 business days within Turkey. For overseas, they will be ready for delivery in 5 business days. For the delivery of products that are not in stock, the delivery time may vary depending on the production time of the product.

Yes, we do. Spare parts catalog is available. You can review the catalog via the link below, create a request or contact us so that we can determine the spare parts you need together.

No, we do not. We deliver to all Zorel users all the main spare parts required for their order products upon delivery.

Our warranty period is 2 years for manufacturer defects.

Yes, we have second hand sales upon availability. Submit your request to our company to be informed when we have second-hand opportunities.

Yes. The most important point to be considered here is to meet with our technical team when you want to buy the product and get information about the condition of the existing product and it will be beneficial for you to have mechanical and electrical maintenance done in our factory after the purchase. Otherwise, you may encounter bigger problems.

Our deadline period is minimum 10 business weeks, although it varies according to project-based and production intensity.

Yes. Payment can be made by leasing.

Yes. We have the option to pay in advance by credit card. You can have installments by contacting your bank.

Yes. Products can be purchased by taking the benefit of investment incentives. We have many customers who purchase products by utilizing investment incentives.

We have an overseas sales and assembly network. In line with the demands of our customers, we communicate with the service department, intervene and provide all necessary support to our customers.

It is very easy to reach our service department. You can easily reach us via the e-mail addresses ”” and ”” or by calling +90 535 104 29 11. You can also submit a request on our WhatsApp number.